
SharePoint 2010 Installing prerequisites without an internet connection.

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How to automate prerequisite install without an internet connection

I want to cover a few things about the prerequisite installer that everyone should know about.  First, all but one prerequisite component is installed locally.  The rest of them are downloaded from the web during setup.  This is great for servers with an internet connection but what if you want to install prereq’s without an internet connection.  This blog demonstrates how to run automate the install of prerequisite components on a box without requiring an internet connection. 

First, prerequisites need to be manually downloaded and moved over to server:

SQLClient http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=123718

SyncFramework http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=141237

MSChart http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=122517

PowerShell   http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/0/E/D0E6D2C1-2593-4017-B26D-7375BC9263D5/PowerShell_Setup_amd64.msi

Geneva Framework http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/3/D/F3D66A7E-C974-4A60-B7A5-382A61EB7BC6/MicrosoftGenevaFramework.amd64.msi

Microsoft ADOMD.NET http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/D/0/AD021EF1-9CBC-4D11-AB51-6A65019D4706/SQLSERVER2008_ASADOMD10.msi


Automate Installing Prerequisites without Internet Connection

It’s possible to install each prerequisite manually on a server with no internet connection but a more automated option exists.  The steps are the following:

1.) Place the downloaded files into a directory.  For my example: C:\sp

2.) Run the following command via command prompt within the root directory of the install media:

PreRequisiteInstaller.exe /SQLnCli:C:\sp\sqlncli.msi /ChartControl:C:\sp\MSChart.exe
/PowerShell:C:\sp\PowerShell_Setup_amd64.msi /Sync:C:\sp\Synchronization.msi
/IDFX:C:\sp\MicrosoftGenevaFramework.amd64.msi /adomd:C:\sp\SQLSERVER2008_ASADOMD10.msi